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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Walking data

Pedestrian counts

Methods/technologies include:

  • manual in-field counts
  • manual counts from video
  • automated counts from video
  • thermal cameras
  • passive infrared
  • active infrared
  • pressure and acoustic pads
  • laser scanners.

TMR endorsed guidance

Other useful resources

Queensland Household Travel Survey

The surveys provide information on the day-to-day travel behaviour of Queensland households, including how, where and why they travel, at what time of day trips are made and the average trip distance and duration.

Surveys have occurred since 1976 (in south-east Queensland) and 1986 (in Queensland regional centres).

Census data

Census data related to walking includes:

  • journey to work
  • population density
  • car ownership
  • household structure
  • diversity
  • employment
  • income and wellbeing.
  • Census data (Queensland Government Statistician’s Office, 2020)

Other useful resources

Crash data

Information on crashes that have occurred on Queensland Roads is available via the Crash Analytics Reporting System (CARS) to approved users from: 

  • local governments
  • state government departments
  • road safety groups
  • research organisations
  • universities.

Road safety statistics and information on location and characteristics of crashes in Queensland is available to the public on the TMR web site and the Open Data Portal.

Measuring the value of walking infrastructure

A number of tools and evaluations are available to assist in assessing the benefits of walking and cycling infrastructure, including:

  • previous intercept surveys, observation surveys and evaluations.
  • economic appraisal tool for active transport projects.

ATAP guidelines help with monetising the benefits and costs of investment.

TMR endorsed guidance

Other useful resources

Walking participation surveys

In 2021, the National Cycling Participation Survey also captured data about walking for the first time.

Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand (CWANZ) released the results of the National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey 2021 in September 2021.

In Queensland, the median hours walked in an average week is 3 hours for Greater Brisbane and 3.5 hours in regional Queensland.

View the survey results on the CWANZ website

TMR resources

Other useful resources

Methodologies for conducting community walking surveys

Methodologies for conducting participation, attitudinal and community walking surveys.

Useful resources

Crowd-sourced data

Crowd-sourcing opinions on walking in an area can be a useful way to engage with a large number of people on walking issues. Respondents can indicate their concerns (or highlight good examples of walking environments) on interactive, online maps.

Crowd-sourced route data can also be sourced through mobile phone applications, which can indicate popular or preferred walking and exercise routes.

Useful resources

Metrics and indicators

Identifies metrics relating to walking and pedestrians. Key metrics for consideration include:

  • number of people walking
  • number of pedestrian fatalities and hospitalisations
  • pedestrian access to key destinations
  • Level of Service (LoS)

TMR endorsed guidance

Other useful resources

Last updated 28 May 2024