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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Heavy Vehicle Registration Assessment Scheme (HVRAS)

The objective of the HVRAS is to provide people with accreditation to inspect heavy vehicles (more than 4.5 tonne gross vehicle mass) and trailers (more than 750 aggregate trailer mass) to ensure they comply with:

  • dimensional limitations
  • approved load sharing axle systems guidelines
  • safe tyre limits
  • vehicle identifiers (for example: engine number, vehicle identification number and chassis number).

Imported vehicles that have not been previously registered in Australia cannot be inspected and measured by HVRAS accredited persons. These imported vehicles must be sighted by the Department of Transport and Main Roads for verification with the vehicle import documents.

HVRAS accredited person list

To find a HVRAS accredited person in your area, please refer to the list of HVRAS accredited persons, which is sorted by HVRAS accredited person's location.

If you are a HVRAS accredited person, you can also use the list of HVRAS accredited persons to confirm your contact details. If your contact details in the list are not correct, email the HVRAS administrator to update.

Making a HVRAS application

To become a HVRAS accredited person, you must complete a HVRAS Application form (F4331). You completed application can be emailed or posted to the Department of Transport and Main Roads' training coordinator for your region, as follows:

Northern Region (Townsville, Cairns and west to Mt Isa)

Email: [email protected]
Postal address: PO Box 7466, Garbutt QLD 4814

Central Region (Gladstone, Rockhampton, Mackay and west to Birdsville)

Email: [email protected]
Postal address: PO Box 5096, Red Hill, Rockhampton, QLD 4701

Southern Region (Toowoomba, Gympie, Maryborough, Bundaberg and west to Quilpie)

Email: [email protected]
Postal address: PO Box 645, Toowoomba QLD 4350

SEQ North Region (Brisbane City to Tewantin and incorporates the Noosa Shire, Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay and Somerset Regions)

Email: [email protected]
Postal address: SEQ North Region HVRAS Coordinator, PO Box 1412, Brisbane QLD 4001

SEQ South Region (South Brisbane to the Gold Coast, west to Lockyer Valley, south to the Scenic Rim and east to Redland Bay and the Bay Islands)

Email: [email protected]
Postal address: PO Box 272, Logan Central QLD 4114


You must successfully complete the Department of Transport and Main Roads' HVRAS training course to become a HVRAS accredited person.

The training course includes methods for measuring vehicles, dimensional limitations and load limitations and provides information on how to locate vehicle identifiers.

The course may take up to 2 days to complete. The training course fee, currently $235.00, must be paid in full at a transport and motoring service centre. You will be contacted by your nearest training centre about the training date and venue. 

Training dates and venues are scheduled when enough applications are received in each region. You may be offered attendance for training in another centre or region to fast-track your application.

The training centre locations are:

  • Northern Region: Townsville and Cairns
  • Central Region: Rockhampton
  • Southern Region: Bundaberg and Toowoomba
  • SEQ North Region: Carseldine
  • SEQ South Region: Logan and Ipswich

Evidence of identity

You must provide your evidence of identity (EOI) on the first day of your training course. If you do not hold a Queensland driver licence (current or expired less than 2 years), you must show at least 3 EOI documents. For a full list of EOI documents you can refer to the Evidence of Identity Requirements for Individuals (S5385) and Evidence of Identity Requirements for Organisations form (S5386).


Once you have successfully completed the HVRAS training course and your application is approved, an accreditation document (including any conditions of your accreditation) will be emailed or posted to you. Once you have received your accreditation document, you may then commence your duties as a HVRAS accredited person.

You must produce your accreditation document for inspection if requested by a customer, a police officer or a transport inspector.

If your application is refused or further information is required, you will be advised. 

HVRAS business rules

The HVRAS Business Rules provide the administrative requirements that a HVRAS accredited person must comply with when inspecting the relevant heavy vehicles (i.e. more than 4.5 tonne gross vehicle mass (GVM) and trailers of more than 750kg aggregate trailer mass (ATM). 

A HVRAS accredited person must comply with these requirements as a condition of their accreditation. 

Guide to completing inspection documents

The guide to completing inspection documents contains Transport and Main Roads' requirements when inspecting and measuring heavy vehicles (i.e. more than 4.5 tonne GVM and trailers more than 750kg ATM). HVRAS accredited persons are expected to conduct inspections with due care and diligence. In circumstances where you provide false or misleading information on documents, Transport and Main Roads may issue you with a penalty infringement notice or pursue court action.

Renewing your HVRAS accreditation

Your HVRAS accreditation is granted for a period of up to 3 years.

An application for renewal of your HVRAS accreditation will be sent to you prior to the expiry of your accreditation. Therefore, it is important that you keep the HVRAS Administrator informed of your current postal and email addresses. If you do not receive a renewal application, you can download and complete the HVRAS application form (F4331). An application renewal fee is not applicable.

If you don't renew your accreditation before it expires, you cannot conduct vehicle inspections until your renewal application is approved and you've received your accreditation.

Lapsed HVRAS accreditation

From 1 December 2020, if your HVRAS accreditation has been expired for 90 days or more, your HVRAS accreditation will lapse.

If your HVRAS accreditation lapses, you will need to complete a new HVRAS application form, and email it to the HVRAS Administrator for processing. You won't need to complete the HVRAS training course again.

If your HVRAS accreditation lapses, you also cannot conduct vehicle inspections until you've received your accreditation.

Therefore, it is recommended that you renew your HVRAS accreditation before it lapses to avoid being required to make a new HVRAS application.

Surrendering your HVRAS accreditation

If you decide to surrender your HVRAS accreditation, you must notify Transport and Main Roads in writing by email or post to the HVRAS Administrator.

Applying for a replacement of your HVRAS accreditation

If your accreditation document is lost, stolen or destroyed and you require a replacement, complete the relevant sections of the HVRAS application form (F4331). Email your completed application to the HVRAS Administrator. An application replacement fee is not applicable.

Change of your HVRAS accreditation details

If you change your personal details (such as change of your postal address or email address), you must complete a HVRAS application form (F4331) and email it to the HVRAS Administrator.

Contact details

Technical enquiries

Email:  [email protected] 
Phone: 13 23 80 (ask for Vehicle Standards Unit)

Administrative enquiries

Email: [email protected] (preferred method of contact)
Phone: 13 23 80 (ask for HVRAS administrator)
Post: HVRAS Administrator
Department of Transport and Main Roads
PO Box 673
Fortitude Valley  QLD  4006
Last updated 01 July 2024

Information sheets

AP, AIS & HVRAS newsletters

Application forms

Vehicle inspection sheets

Related information

Fee increase

On 1 July 2024, fees were frozen at their current level for 1 year to ease cost-of-living pressures for Queenslanders. Usually, fees increase each year due to indexation. The freeze will mean that fees will not increase on 1 July 2024 as they normally would.