Driver disaffiliation
All authorised booking entities (holders of a booking entity authorisation) must notify the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) if they end a work arrangement because of a serious safety misconduct by the driver.
TMR can suspend or cancel a person’s Driver Authorisation (DA) if the person is charged or convicted of certain offences or if it’s in the public interest. This new requirement will better equip the department to take appropriate action in the public interest, particularly on safety grounds.
What do you have to do?
You must notify TMR immediately if you ended an arrangement with a driver because you reasonably believe the driver has:
- committed a driver disqualifying offence
- not provided a public passenger service safely while driving a motor vehicle
- committed an offence against a provision of relevant transport legislation relating to using a motor vehicle, such as the driver providing an unauthorised taxi or booked hire service, or
- been a threat to the safety of any person, particularly a child or other vulnerable member of the community.
Examples of driver disaffiliation
Below are 2 examples of when you need to notify TMR of a driver disaffiliation:
- Example 1: several passengers have reported that a driver has driven dangerously, such as speeding or performing unsafe driving manoeuvres, putting passengers or other drivers at risk.
- Example 2: a driver has been reported a number of times threatening the safety of a passenger through actions or verbal usage.
Below is an example of when you don't need to notify TMR:
- Example: when a work arrangement with a driver was ended because the driver refused to wear a uniform, or he/she did not meet the booking entity’s customer service standards.
How to notify TMR
Complete the Notification of Driver Disaffiliation form, which must include the:
- driver’s name
- driver authorisation number
- day the arrangement ended
- grounds for ending the arrangement
- facts and circumstances forming the basis of the decision.
Please ensure you include as much information as possible in the form and email to
TMR will investigate the matter or may refer the matter to the Queensland Police Service. Further information may be requested from you to support this process.
What happens to the driver?
If TMR decides to take action against a person’s DA, the driver will be provided with an opportunity to show cause as to why their DA should not be suspended or cancelled.
Depending on the outcome of the investigation, the person’s DA may then be suspended or cancelled, or the matter finalised without further action. The driver has a right to request a review of any decision to suspend or cancel their DA.
- Last updated 20 June 2022