Gregory Developmental Road (Charters Towers - Lynd), package of works

The package of Gregory Developmental Road upgrades is delivering a stronger and wider surface, improving travelling conditions for motorists and upgraded a major culvert to improve flood resilience.

Existing sections of narrow Gregory Developmental Road (between Charters Towers and the Lynd) are being strengthened and widened. These works are improving safety and efficiency for all road users, particularly the large proportion of heavy vehicles which travel the inland route.

The works also included a major upgrade to culverts under the Gregory Developmental Road pavement near Porphyry Road.

The works are made up of 3 separate projects:

  • $25 million to widen and strengthen 7km of pavement between Marble Creek and Christmas Creek, jointly funded under the Roads Stimulus Package (with the Australian Government contributing $20 million and the Queensland Government contributing $5 million)
  • $15.31 million to widen and strengthen 4km of pavement between Airport Drive and Redbank Creek, jointly funded under the Roads of Strategic Importance early works package (with the Australian Government contributing $12.25 million and the Queensland Government contributing $3.06 million)
  • $5.1 million culvert upgrade near Porphyry Road, entirely funded by the Queensland Government under the Roads Stimulus Package.

Pavement upgrades between Marble Creek and Christmas Creek were completed in December 2022. Pavement upgrades between Airport Drive and Redbank Creek are continuing and are due to be completed in late 2023.

The major culvert upgrade near Porphyry Road was also completed in December 2022.

The current projects follow on from previous Gregory Developmental Road pavement strengthening and widening, completed in 2018–2020.


  • Improves safety
  • Improves network efficiency
  • Better road access
  • Contributes to economy
  • Contributes to regional growth
  • Reduces maintenance
  • Improves ride quality

Key features

  • 11km of pavement strengthening and widening.
  • Increase average pavement width to 8m seal.
  • Improved structural integrity of Gregory Developmental Road.
  • Upgrade existing culvert near Porphyry Road and install a new culvert, to improve resilience of the drainage structure and roadway.
  • Strengthened Gregory Developmental Road on the approaches to and above the culvert.


The pavement widening and strengthening package between Marble Creek and Christmas Creek is jointly-funded under the $415 million Road Stimulus Package, Investment ID 1697820

The pavement widening and strengthening package between Airport Drive to Redbank Creek is jointly-funded under the $185 million Roads of Strategic Importance early works package, Investment ID 1534377

The culvert upgrade is funded under the Queensland Government’s $400 million Road Stimulus Package, Investment ID 1649218

The 3 projects are funded under separate packages as outlined above. In total, across the 3 projects, the following funding commitments have been made:

Total investment
$45.41 million
Australian Government
$32.25 million
Queensland Government
$13.16 million

Current status

Construction of the 3 packages of work commenced in July 2021. Works between Marble Creek and Christmas Creek were completed in December 2022. The culvert upgrade near Porphyry Road was also completed at the same time.

Works at the Airport Drive to Redbank Creek project site are due to be completed by late 2023.  

Gregory Developmental Road (Charters Towers – Lynd), package of works location map

location map of gregory devlopemental road charters towers lynd package of works project