North West Queensland District

5 Projects in North West Queensland District

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  1. Bruce Highway (Pine River - Cairns), Road Operations Improvements

    This project will provide Intelligent Transport System infrastructure at various locations along the Bruce Highway to achieve the project vision of sharing of real time situational awareness with road...

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  2. Flinders Highway (Julia Creek – Cloncurry), Scrubby Creek, pavement, strengthening and widening of floodway

    The floodway will be upgraded and some minor culverts will be replaced to increase waterway areas to help improve localised flood immunity...

    Scrubby Creek looking west pre-construction
  3. Kennedy Developmental Road—(The Lynd-Hughenden) upgrade

    We have delivered 48km of new sealing along the Kennedy Developmental Road between The Lynd to Hughenden...

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  4. Richmond - Winton Road, strengthen and widen pavement

    The department will improve all weather access, travel reliability and safety along the Richmond – Winton Road by widening and strengthening this section of the road...

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  5. The Burke Developmental Road (Normanton – Dimbulah), flood resilience projects

    The Burke Developmental Road (Normanton – Dimbulah), flood resilience projects...

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