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Department of Transport and Main Roads

A message from Director-General Neil Scales

Neil Scales Director-GeneralAs the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ (TMR’s) Champion for Accessibility, I am passionate about embedding the core principles of access and inclusion in the work we do delivering services to the people of Queensland.

I am pleased to present TMR’s Disability Services Plan 2022–2025, our third plan that will continue to build on our achievements from our previous Disability Services Plan 2017–2020 and Interim Disability Services Plan 2020–2021. During the last 4 years we have continued to create real change for people with disability. We have:

  • Implemented information and communication access and inclusion standards and best practice research priorities in communication channels
  • Revised project management practices to embed universal design principals
  • Established an employee reference group – the Access and Inclusion Advocacy Network to build a workplace culture of disability awareness and confidence
  • Implemented a capital works program to upgrade existing facilities and refurbishments to improve access for people with disability
  • Enhanced strategies to attract and retain people with disability to work at TMR, through inclusive recruitment practices, flexible working practices and building a culture of inclusion
  • Delivered mandatory human rights and inclusion and accessibility training to executive leaders, senior managers, and employees.

My vision for the Disability Services Plan 2022–2025 is to build on this work and continue to co-design products and services with people living with disability to achieve our vision of an integrated transport network, accessible to all.

I look forward in continuing to lead and support our teams in driving accessibility and inclusion.

Last updated 31 January 2023