Cairns Southern Access Cycleway, construct cycleway

The Department is reinvesting project savings to deliver a new off-road cycleway next to the Bruce Highway, consistent with the Cairns Bruce Highway Upgrade Masterplan. The project will deliver a safe off-road facility for bicycle riders of all abilities, including school children and the active transport community. The new cycleway also delivers a direct and continuous route with limited intersections to encourage bicycle riders to use the off-road facility.

This project will bring important benefits to bicycle riders and the active transport community in the Cairns region. The Cairns Southern Access Cycleway will connect to new cycleways built or already constructed as part of the Bruce Highway, Cairns Southern Access Corridor (Stage 3), Edmonton to Gordonvale and (Stage 4), Kate Street to Aumuller Street projects. Once all 3 projects are completed, 20km of direct cycleway will connect Gordonvale to the Cairns CBD.

The Cairns Southern Access Cycleway will provide an essential missing link connecting the southern suburbs to the city. This important infrastructure provides a dedicated and safe link for all bicycle riders including school children between Edmonton, Mount Sheridan, White Rock and Woree.

The new cycleway provides safer connections to several schools, businesses and shopping precincts south of Cairns.


  • Improves safety
  • Increases capacity
  • Improves network efficiency
  • Reduces peak hour congestion
  • Reduces travel time
  • Contributes to economy
  • Better active transport
  • Improves ride quality

Key features

  • Reinvestment of savings achieved through the Bruce Highway, Cairns Southern Access Corridor (Stage 2), Robert Road to Foster Road project to construct a new 7km cycleway.
  • A new direct, continuous route with limited intersections to encourage bike riders of all abilities to use the pathway.
  • Link together cycleways being built as part of other projects to create a 20km continuous off-road shared pathway from Gordonvale to Cairns CBD.
  • Investigate additional connections to the Cairns Southern Access Cycleway (Spence Street) at Woree.

Infrastructure naming

The department is proud to announce the Cairns Southern Access Cycleway will join with the cycleway under construction as part of the Edmonton to Gordonvale project to become the Luke Azzopardi Cycleway. 

The Luke Azzopardi Cycleway when completed will extend from Riverstone Road, Gordonvale to Ruth Street, Woree. 

Mr Azzopardi was a Gordonvale resident who was well-respected and made significant contributions to sport and the community.

Savings reinvestment

The Cairns Southern Access Cycleway is a reinvestment of savings achieved through the $58 million Bruce Highway, Cairns Southern Access Corridor (Stage 2), Robert Road to Foster Road project and other areas of the Bruce Highway Upgrade Program.


The project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments. Investment ID 1249733.

Total investment
$41.53 million
Australian Government
$33.22 million
Queensland Government
$8.31 million

Cairns Southern Access Cycleway, construct cycleway project overview

Video Description

An animation showing an artist's impression of the Cairns Southern Access Cycleway's route from Edmonton to Woree. 

The Cairns Southern Access Cycleway provides the link connecting southern suburbs to the city.

A safe off-road cycleway for bicycle riders of all ability with a separated pedestrian path and dedicated cycleway including school children and the active transport community.

Safer connections to schools, businesses and shopping precincts.

A direct and continuous route with limited intersections bringing benefits to riders and the active transport community.


Cairns Southern Access Cycleway location map

Artist impression of the Cairns Southern Access Cycle Location map