Centenary Bridge Upgrade Frequently Asked Questions


What are the features of the Centenary Bridge Upgrade? The main features of the Centenary Bridge Upgrade include a new 3 lane northbound bridge and changes to the existing north and southbound carriageways to create one southbound bridge. The new southbound bridge will have 3 lanes and separated active transport facilities.

The Centenary Bridge Upgrade will reduce the frequency and severity of crashes, while increasing efficiency and travel time reliability between Brisbane's western suburbs, local destinations and the CBD. 

What is being done about future increases in traffic loads?

The bridge designs have allowed space for future expansions. Future lane widths can be optimised to accommodate more lanes when required. The future traffic capacity of the bridge is in line with the overall planning for the Centenary Motorway corridor.

What provision is being made for public transport or transit lanes?

While the Centenary Bridge upgrade does not include dedicated transit lanes, capacity and traffic flow will be improved by providing 3 lanes in each direction over the Brisbane River. This will increase efficiency and travel time reliability for public transport including buses travelling on the Centenary Bridge. 

Isn’t this just moving the traffic congestion further along? Why not widen the motorway?

The Centenary Bridge Upgrade is the first stage to progress from the departments planning study for the Centenary Motorway Upgrade from Sumners Road, Darra to Frederick Street, Toowong.

We have already completed the $80 million Sumners Road Interchange upgrade, which became fully operational to the travelling public 6 months ahead of schedule in mid-March 2021. Progress on all other future stages of the Centenary Motorway Upgrade project is dependent on funding and will need to compete against other statewide priorities. 

Are there any changes to the Sinnamon Road traffic lights and entry ramp?

The Sinnamon Road traffic lights are outside the scope of the Centenary Bridge Upgrade project. Currently there are other roadworks to the Sinnamon Road entry ramp intersection works including minor reshaping of the concrete islands, minor pavement and line marking works. Next to the Sinnamon Road intersection, there are works being undertaken to the shared active transport path, the Urban Utility pump station access, fencing along the active transport path and to the entry ramp. The entry ramp will be extended leading onto the new bridge to allow for longer and safer merging. 

During the project will there be future provisions made for grade separation between vehicles and pedestrians/cyclists crossing Sinnamon Road (western side of the highway). 

Works to Sinnamon Road are outside the scope of the Centenary bridge upgrade project.  This may be considered during planning for future stages of the wider Centenary Motorway upgrade.  

Resurfacing of road—there is currently a lot of road noise emanating from the bridge that can be heard a considerable distance away.  Will the road surface be designed to keep tyre noise to a minimum?

The bridge deck will have an open graded asphalt running surface (one of the quietest surface treatments available). When investigating and determining the most suitable road surface for the bridge and roadways, the project team considered available materials against technical requirements including skid resistance, drainage properties, associated tyre noise generation and whole of life costs including maintenance cost and longevity of treatment.  


What are the benefits of upgrading the Centenary Bridge?

  • Improved safety to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes on the Centenary Bridge.
  • Increased capacity to improve travel-time reliability and cater for current and future traffic needs.
  • Improved active transport facilities.
  • Longer and safer merge lanes for entry and exit ramps.


Will properties be impacted, or access arrangements change under the current design?

There are no permanent impacts to property accesses planned. Stakeholders will be notified in advance of any temporary changes to property accesses during construction.  Details of the construction methodology and impacts will not be known until a construction contractor has been appointed. We will work closely with stakeholders as the works are planned and information becomes available.

Are there any land resumptions related to this project?

There are no further land resumptions anticipated for the Centenary Bridge Upgrade.

For further information or official confirmation of land requirements of specific properties a Property Search Certificate can be obtained. Please visit our Property Searches page for more information.

Impacts on the adjacent skate park and playground

The project has been designed to avoid impacts to the skate park and existing playground. There are no land resumptions of Amazons Place Park or the Jindalee Skate Park. Upgrading the existing skate park structures is also not in the scope of the project. We have been working closely with Brisbane City Council to minimise impacts on trees and other structures in the park, including the toilet block. We will continue to update the community on temporary impacts and any permanent changes.

New bike and shared paths will be constructed in the park to connect to the newly upgraded active transport facilities on the bridge. 

Is this part of the Kenmore Bypass project?

No, the Centenary Bridge Upgrade is a separate project.

We undertook a planning study in 2008-09 to assess the feasibility for a potential connection from the Centenary Motorway to Moggill Road, known as Kenmore Bypass, and to consider options for development of the corridor. The preferred planning option for Kenmore Bypass was released to the community in October 2009. Currently, there is no funding to build Kenmore Bypass. 

More information about the Kenmore Bypass Planning Study is available.

Will the existing carpark, inbound in Pioneer Belz Park, remain?

No. The existing carpark falls within the footprint of the new bridge and will be removed during
construction. It is not possible to reinstate a carpark in this location, as access in and out of the carpark onto the motorway is unsafe.


Have you undertaken any noise monitoring?

Yes, a noise assessment has been carried out in accordance with the department's  Noise Management Code of Practice (CoP).

This assessment included monitoring of the surrounding residential and commercial areas to enable modelling of both current and future predicted motorway noise levels. A post-construction noise assessment will be completed to confirm predictions after the works have been completed and actual changes to the surrounds have been made.

When was the Road Traffic Noise Assessment undertaken? 

A detailed road traffic noise assessment was undertaken during the planning phase of the project in 2019.

Will you release a copy of the assessment? 

The noise assessment report contains information relating to private properties. We will release information on the parameters, assumptions and general results of the assessment while removing specific sensitive information that affects individual residential properties. 

A summary of this report has been provided on the project webpage.

To ensure privacy rules are followed, we are able to release noise modelling data to property owners in relation to their individual property on a case by case basis.

Can you confirm the locations of the noise monitoring stations? 

Monitoring was conducted on both sides of the river, north, south, east and west. Data was analysed from 202 noise sensitive receptor stations spread out along the project area. 

Will you be building any noise barriers as part of the project?

If so, will you be releasing a map showing the locations? 

The noise assessment did not recommend construction of new noise barriers as part of the project. Any existing noise barriers within the scope of the project that are impacted temporarily during construction will be re-instated and/or noise reducing treatments undertaken. 

Can you confirm if there are any noise barriers being installed: 

  • Along Kooringal Drive (Jindalee Creek area) 
    No, the noise assessment data collected does not trigger any noise barriers along this section.  
  • Adjacent to Centenary Quays townhouse complex, especially as you will be removing trees as well?
    No, the noise assessment data collected does not trigger any noise barriers along this section. The noise assessment analysis is not impacted by the trees.
  • Along the motorway from DFO through to Sumner Road overpass? 
    No, this is outside the scope of the current funding and project limits.
  • Across the bridge between the motorway and the shared path?
    No, there are no noise barriers between the road and the shared bike path along the bridge.
  • On the north-east side (Spinkbrae Street, Fig Tree Pocket)? 
    No, there are no new noise barriers planned for this location. Any existing noise barriers impacted temporarily during construction will be reinstated.

How will you be managing noise during construction? 
Prior to construction commencing, the construction contractor will plan their construction methods and prepare a Noise and Vibration Management Plan which will consider impacts on road users, local residents and businesses. The plan is referred to throughout the life of the project and will incorporate construction hours, work methods and how noise is managed for each activity.

Notifications of work will be sent out to stakeholders prior to the start of any new work confirming the hours of work and details of what is being undertaken.  

How can you reduce/manage heavy vehicle exhaust brake sounds (southbound) leading onto the bridge?  Can signage be installed? 

We have developed a strategy for limiting engine braking based on an education and awareness campaign. This is aimed at reaching a large percentage of truck drivers and raising community awareness.

As part of the strategy, signs are not installed at specific locations in response to individual requests as this may lead to a proliferation of signs throughout the road network and a reduction in the effectiveness of these signs. As such, signs requesting drivers to limit the use of engine brakes have been installed at key points on major truck access roads into the metropolitan urban area.

Engine brakes are an important safety feature for heavy vehicles as they reduce brake wear and can prevent heat-induced brake failure. Our campaign encourages drivers to consider nearby residents, however any measures designed to limit the use of compression brakes must not compromise the safety of either the truck drivers or the public.

Funding and award of the construction contract

Has funding been confirmed?

Construction funding of $224 million was announced in October 2020 by the Australian and Queensland governments on a 50:50 basis. This funding is in addition to a previous $20 million committed by the Queensland Government for a business case, investigations and detailed design.

When will tenders be released/awarded for this project?

Stage 1 expression of interest period opened in May 2021 and closed on 10 June 2021. 

Stage 2 of the tender process closed 26 October 2021.

Contract for main construction is expected to be awarded late 2022.

Project timeframes

What is the construction timeframe for the bridge upgrade?

Construction activities are expected to commence 2023.

How long will construction take?

It will take about 4 years to complete, provided weather and construction conditions are favourable. This timeframe will be refined once the construction contractor has been appointed and their construction program and plans are developed.


Have environmental assessments been undertaken?

We completed an Environmental Assessment and a Cultural Heritage Risk Assessment in 2019. All potential environmental impacts identified for the project are manageable with no major issues identified. Our environmental officers will complete regular impact assessments to oversee the implementation of controls and to avoid and mitigate impacts during construction activities. We are obliged to comply with legislative requirements and strives to meet environmental best practice.

The project team is working alongside Brisbane City Council Environmental Officers to minimise impacts on the local area including tree removal, vegetation clearing and riverbank disturbances. Once construction impacts are known, we will also consult with the local catchment association and community environmental groups.

How many trees are you removing? 

We are working with stakeholders on the final alignment of the active transport path in Amazons Place Park and once agreed, will have a clearer idea on the number and types of trees that may be impacted. We will notify the community of tree impacts prior to removal.

Are you doing any revegetation?

We will be working closely with the contractor to protect and maintain trees and vegetation where possible. Plans for landscaping and revegetation are still being worked through and will  depend on construction impacts.

Traffic management

Will construction activities impact traffic?

Yes. Impacts to traffic will be included on the QLDTraffic website. It is recommended to check this website before starting your journey to keep up-to-date, or subscribe to the QLDTraffic app.

Variable message signs will also display important information about work being undertaken. To stay up-to-date with notifications for the Centenary Bridge upgrade, including project updates, traffic and active transport changes, please register your interest at [email protected].

Will the speed be reduced during construction?

Yes, for safety of all road users and workers and given the constrained corridor and proximity of the construction activities to the travelling public, lane widths and speed limits will be reduced throughout the project area. Road users are asked to be aware of changed conditions and to obey reduced speed limits.

Speed limits on the bridge after construction - will this be maintained at the existing 80km/h?  
Yes, the permanent 80km/h speed limit for the newly upgraded section will be retained. There will be reduced speed limits during construction with temporary roadwork speed limits clearly signed.

Traffic counts – can you provide traffic numbers? 
The Centenary Bridge carries more than 85,000 vehicles a day and current traffic modelling shows that by 2036, around 152,000 vehicles per day will want to cross the bridge.

Traffic volumes can be found on the Queensland Government Open Data Portal. The Centenary Motorway road number is U18A. There is an interactive map and the option to download a pdf.

How will you manage construction traffic in local streets? 

Parking in private driveways is not permitted. The construction contractor will be asked to minimise construction vehicle parking on local streets. There will be times when local streets may be used to access the construction site. Residents and businesses will be notified in advance on these occasions.

Will the project consider visual screening between the northbound and southbound lanes? People travelling in the opposite direction to the lane where a crash has occurred slow down to  look. Are measures being implemented to try to mitigate this?

No, there is no screening being installed between bridges. A barrier may be installed on both sides of both bridges, with the inside barriers around 1.6m high.

Will emergency lanes/wider shoulders be constructed on the northern side so damaged vehicles that are able to safely move can do so in the event of accidents? 

There is no dedicated emergency lane being constructed as part of the project. A 2.8m shoulder is provided on the southbound bridge and 3m on the northbound bridge as part of the 3-lane configuration. 

Service Relocations

Do you know where the existing services are in the corridor?

There are numerous services both above and below ground along the Centenary Motorway, including telecommunications, water, sewerage and electricity that will require relocation.

Who decides which services are relocated?

We have collaborated with the relevant service authority to determine the services that need to be relocated to facilitate the road upgrade.

Treatments differ from service to service, but they are usually relocated if they cannot be protected or will become difficult to access or maintain in the future. Specifically, Urban Utilities, Telstra and Energex assets will be relocated for this project.

Active Transport

Can you confirm further details of the active transport path on the bridge and the separation from motorway traffic?

The new separated active transport lane will be around 5m wide, with a barrier including cycle rail, between the road and active transport path around 1.6m high, and a barrier consisting of rails, on the water side around 1.4m high. This will significantly improve the physical separation between active transport users and the motorway traffic. Overall, the separation for pedestrians will average more than 5m in the finished design as compared to 1.5 to 2.5m wide on the existing bridge.

Will the Spinkbrae shared path remain? And will this also be upgraded?

Yes, the Spinkbrae shared path will be retained. During construction works in this area, temporary detours will occur, however access will be maintained. Stakeholders will be notified in advance of temporary changes.

Upgrading of the path from the Centenary Bridge to Spinkbrae Street is outside the scope of the Centenary Bridge Upgrade project. Further improvements may be considered in future stages of the Centenary Motorway Upgrade.

Cyclists travel at speed down the hill leading to the bridge which is dangerous for pedestrians accessing the path from the Spinkbrae Street connection, will this be addressed as part of the Centenary Bridge upgrade?

No, this hill section leading to the bridge is outside the scope of the current project. Further improvements beyond the bridge upgrade may be considered in the future stages of the Centenary Motorway Upgrade.

What are the construction impacts on active transport access? 

The construction contractor will be asked to maintain the existing active transport network or equivalent network at all times during the project. It is likely to have some detours at various stages of the project. Notifications of changes and impacts will be provided to the community in advance. To stay up-to-date with notifications for the Centenary Bridge upgrade, including project updates, traffic and active transport changes, please register your interest at [email protected].

Can you confirm that the pedestrian section of the shared path will be on the outside (east) side of the bridge since they are more likely to stop and take photos? 

Yes, it is planned for pedestrians to be on the outside of the path, closest to the river. 

Is there scope within the engineering specs of the bridge to create a viewing platform/rest area similar to the Indooroopilly Riverwalk? 

No. This is outside the scope of the project and is not included.

Will there be any changes to the shared path between the bridge and Sinnamon Road traffic lights? 

The path between the traffic signals and under the bridge will be upgraded and new path lights installed. On average the cycle lane will be 3m wide with an adjoining 2m pedestrian path. 

There are no changes to the existing path west of the traffic signals along Sinnamon Road.

Project contacts

To find out more about the Centenary Bridge Upgrade Project, please contact the project team by phone, email or post.

Phone: 07 3066 4338 (during business hours)
Email[email protected]
Web: Centenary Bridge
Post: Centenary Motorway Upgrade project team
 Metropolitan Region
         Department of Transport and Main Roads
         PO Box 70, Spring Hill, Queensland 4004