Pacific Motorway M1 North upgrade program

The Pacific Motorway M1 North upgrade program is being delivered in a 3-stage rolling program from north to south:


  • Improves safety
  • Increases traffic flow
  • Reduces peak hour congestion
  • Contributes to economy
  • Better road access
  • Increases capacity

3 Projects in Pacific Motorway M1 North upgrade program

Aerial view of Pacific Motorway through Springwood

Pacific Motorway (M1) – Daisy Hill to Logan Motorway upgrade

Planning is underway for the Pacific Motorway (M1) – Daisy Hill to Logan Motorway upgrade. This section of the M1 cannot accommodate current traffic volumes and, as a result, experiences frequent and prolonged periods of congestion and poor travel time reliability.

M1 M3 Gateway merge

Pacific Motorway Upgrade M1 M3 Gateway merge

Construction to upgrade the M1/M3 Gateway merge to improve safety and reduce peak hour congestion was completed in May 2020.

An aerial view of the Pacific Motorway Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill upgrade project.

Pacific Motorway, Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill Upgrade

Work is being undertaken on the Pacific Motorway, Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill Upgrade, to improve 8kms of the Pacific Motorway (M1) between the Gateway Motorway and Watland Street.