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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Transport Coordination Plan

The Department of Transport and Main Roads has developed a transport coordination plan in accordance with the requirements of the Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994.

The Transport Coordination Plan 2017-2027 provides a strategic framework for the planning and management of transport resources in Queensland over a 10-year time frame. It includes high-level objectives for Queensland's transport system across the following 5 key areas:

  • customer experience and affordability
  • community connectivity
  • efficiency and productivity
  • safety and security
  • environment and sustainability.

The objectives outline the government's expectations of what the transport system will provide for Queenslanders over the next decade.

The plan also includes transport key performance indicators to monitor our progress towards these objectives, along with decision-making principles and criteria for spending on transport.

The plan provides a contemporary approach to the coordinated planning and management of transport, including a strong focus on customer needs and technology.

The plan will inform other transport documents currently in development by the department, including Regional Transport Plans and modal strategies, which determine how the high-level transport objectives are best delivered.

Transport Coordination Plan Performance Snapshot

As a part of our ongoing commitment to the delivery of the plan we have developed the Transport Coordination Plan: Performance Snapshots, which shows the department's performance against the plan's key performance indicators. This supports the ongoing monitoring and reporting processes for the plan.

View the Transport Coordination Plan: Performance Snapshots publications set.

Last updated 9 August 2024