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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Queensland Tourism and Transport Strategy

The Queensland Tourism and Transport Strategy (QTTS) has been developed jointly by the Department of Transport and Main Roads and the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport.

The QTTS details the Queensland Government's plan to improve access to our world class tourism destinations in an effort to enhance the visitor experience and grow the tourism industry. The strategy lays out a vision of 'providing an exceptional journey for every visitor', taking a holistic view of tourism and transport and placing visitors' needs front and centre.

Informed through extensive consultation with government and industry, the QTTS has 4 priority themes:

  • visitor information
  • transport services
  • ticketing and products
  • planning and investment.

The strategy guides strong coordination and collaboration between government and industry to invest in infrastructure and services that enhance access and improve connectivity. Key to its success will be strengthening partnerships across all levels of government, and with industry.

To learn more about the strategy, visit the Tourism Strategy page on the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport website.

Last updated 3 August 2024