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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Indigenous Strategy Roadmap 2023–2025

The Department of Transport and Main Roads’ Indigenous Strategy Roadmap (the Roadmap) is a framework for improving workplaces and service delivery with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The intent of the Roadmap is to outline how the department is prioritising reframing its relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, which builds on requirements of the Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-2025 and Public Sector Act 2022

The vision of the Roadmap is to create a robust framework that increases our potential to deliver positive socio-economic outcomes with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, businesses, and communities.

Our goal is to have a workplace that represents the community it services, provides a welcoming and safe space for all its customers and workforce (employees and contractors), and celebrates the diverse and unique cultures of the First Nations people of Queensland.

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At Transport and Main Roads (TMR), our vision is to create a single integrated network accessible to everyone. 

We believe that all Queenslanders, irrespective of where they live and work, can expect to have appropriate transport choice, fair access to the transport system and digital inclusiveness.

We acknowledge there are barriers to achieving that in remote, discrete and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 

We are committed to removing those barriers by reframing our relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The vision of the Indigenous Strategy Roadmap is to create a robust framework that increases our potential to deliver positive socio-economic outcomes with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, businesses, and communities.

Our goal is to have a workplace that represents the community it services, provides a welcoming and safe space for all its customers and workforce (employees and contractors), and celebrates the diverse and unique cultures of the First Nations people of Queensland.

Key focus areas

  • Increase the number of employees who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Increase training and career progression opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees
  • Increase the procurement spend with and number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses
  • Improve our workforce’s awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and shared history

Laying the foundations

We know that solid foundations are critical to robust and sustainable infrastructure. The foundations of the Indigenous Strategy Roadmap highlight the importance of reframing the relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by understanding, acknowledging, respecting and celebrating First Nations people, cultures and knowledge.

The foundations of the Indigenous Strategy Roadmap have been designed to strengthen the departments cultural capability as a necessary foundation to the pillars of voice, treaty and truth. 

It was designed to align with the eight key components of the Queensland Government’s reframing the relationship plan. The plan was developed by members of the department’s Indigenous Strategy Working Group, which includes representation from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees, as well as Divisional and Branch Program Leaders.

Building together

Since colonisation, the Government has been setting agendas, implementing programs, and making decisions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In recent history, various reports have demonstrated that the failures of previous programs are partly due to the lack of genuine partnership in decision making with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

The time to approach things differently is now. 

Transport and Main Roads is on a learning journey. As a department, we are committed to the ongoing process of reconciliation, and reframing the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the Queensland Government.

We recognise that reframing those relationships can only occur when they are based on respect and trust. To demonstrate its ongoing investment in fostering mutually beneficial relationships, the department engaged with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees when developing the Indigenous Strategy Roadmap. 

Additionally, an internal First Nations Reference Group was formally established to provide First Nations employees the opportunity to:

  • act as key internal stakeholders for engagement and co-design on programs, policies, practices, procedures, and related systems that impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • provide an Indigenous perspective and cultural insights into responses for Transport and Main Roads on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • support building cultural capability through education across all levels of Transport and Main Roads workforce
  • develop professional skills, opportunities, and experiences.

Bridging the digital divide

As the world moves increasingly online, digital inclusion is necessary for people to be engaged in economic, social and civic life. Despite that reality, many Queenslanders remain significantly excluded from the digital world through lack of infrastructure access, affordability issues, or lack of ability to use technology. The digital divide is felt most acutely in geographically isolated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Through Queensland’s Digital Economy Strategy, our priority is to close the digital divide to provide the opportunity for everyone to enjoy the economic and social benefits of a digitally-enabled economy.

Improved digital connectivity can provide new opportunities ‘On Country’ for First Nations communities to participate in flexible training and employment. The associated uplift in digital literacy and skills within the community can also drive additional employment, innovation and entrepreneurship, and enable a thriving local economy.

By enabling First Nations communities to embrace digital technology’s potential we empower people to build a prosperous future while staying connected to family, culture and country.

Staying on the road

The Indigenous Strategy Roadmap adheres to the new Public Sector Act 2022 and is strongly guided by the strategic direction and renewed commitments outlined by both the Australian and Queensland Governments. 

By signing the National Agreement to Closing the Gap between First Nations and non-Indigenous Australians, all Australian states and territories have committed to addressing the key priority reforms and socio-economic targets outlined in the plan. 

The Queensland Government’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-25 outlines targets focused on the pillars of Relationships, Respect, Opportunity, and Accountability (Governance) which includes the eight components required to reframing relationships, supported by the Path to Treaty process.

The Indigenous Strategy Roadmap is aligned to and includes the departments contributions towards delivering its commitments in the following whole-of-government initiatives:

  • Queensland Government’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-25
  • National Agreement on Closing the Gap
  • Reframing the Relationship Plan
  • Paving the Way: First Nations Training Strategy
  • Many Voices: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages Policy
  • Commonwealth Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workforce Strategy
  • Queensland Procurement Strategy 2023

The Indigenous Strategy Roadmap endeavours to assist the department in meeting existing and emerging legislative obligations and instruments of authority, including but not limited to: 

  • Public Sector Act 2022
  • United Nations Declaration on the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Native Title Act 1993
  • The Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003
  • Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003
  • Human Rights Act 2019
  • Nature Conversation Act 1992.

It also provides an agile and responsive governance framework which includes regular reporting and annual strategic reviews to adjust and enliven targets as required.

Indigenous champion groups

In developing a plan to deliver sustainable outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, a coalition of departmental area leaders and divisional representatives was created to ensure the targets are purpose driven and achievable, while remaining agile and aspirational. 

Overview of how Indigenous champion groups will prioritise reframing the relationship

Six (6) Indigenous champion groups were established to cover the breadth of employment and transport services the department offers, and to collaborate efforts that work towards creating culturally safe customer services and workplaces.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are included in our core business

  1. Capability development and learning: creating learning opportunities of First Nations culture
    • promote cultural safety and cultural capability at all levels of the public sector
    • promote a fair and inclusive public sector that supports a sense of dignity and belonging for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
    • Increase workforce awareness of the meaning and importance of culturally significant days and events. 
  2. Customer facing and community: creating inclusive workplaces and service deliver, while also connecting communities
    • recognise and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and First Peoples of Queensland in office spaces, presentations and relevant documents
    • celebrate and participate in events of significance
    • work in partnership with community controlled organisations and bodies to improve the cultural safety of Transport and Main Roads service delivery. 
  3. People attraction and employment: creating employment opportunities for First Nations people 
    • ensure Transport and Main Roads workforce and leadership reflects the community we serve
    • support the aims aspirations and employment needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers
    • improve the retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples completing training and qualification. 
  4. Governance and reporting: capturing and sharing data to promote accountability
    • coordinate a consistent approach to internal processes and reporting
    • increase accountability and showcase Transport and Main Roads contributions towards reconciliation across whole-of-government targets
    • develop frameworks to enable stronger partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples that align with their perspectives
  5. Procurement and business engagement: creating opportunity and growth with first Nations businesses
    • work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses on capability uplift strategies aligned with government requirements
    • increase spend with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses by promoting indigenous procurement processes
    • implement Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander procurement targets across more projects and within Transport and Main Roads
  6. Structural reform: changing the organisation by taking a systemic approach
    • recognise the importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of the right to self-determination in a review of policies, programs and procedures to ensure First Nations perspectives are included when making decisions directly affecting them
    • prepare the department to engage in truth telling about the shared history of Queensland

Strategic Commitments

Capability Development and Learning

The purpose of the Capability Development and Learning Indigenous Champion Group is to mature the cultural capability of Transport and Main Roads workforce to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into everyday business.

The group seeks to increase workforce understanding, awareness, appreciation, promotion, and respect of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures by providing accessible cultural capability and anti-racism training and information. 

Current actions

  • Advance Transport and Main Roads cultural capability to ensure workplaces are culturally safe and Transport and Main Roads services are responsive to the needs to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and businesses
  • Promote cultural safety by enacting anti-discrimination legislation and anti-racism strategies

Future intentions

  • Transport and Main Roads continues to reframe its relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and businesses to ensure ongoing respectful engagement

People Attraction and Employment

The purpose of the People Attraction and Employment Indigenous Champion Group is to have Transport and Main Roads workforce better represent the community it serves.

The group seeks to ensure Transport and Main Roads employment and retention programs are culturally inclusive and provide long term career development pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Current actions

  • Increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples joining and/or remaining within Transport and Main Roads' workforce annually
  • Better understand and decrease the disparity in career progression among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce

Future intentions

  • Build stronger relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses and communities to promote employment opportunities
  • Be an employer of choice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Increase the number of senior leadership positions (>A08) filled by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Procurement and Business Engagement

The purpose of the Procurement and Business Engagement Indigenous Champion Group is to create economic opportunities that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses to thrive.

The group seeks to leverage and strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses, and embed feasible procurement practices and capability uplift strategies that enable increased economic opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supply chain businesses, including participation on Government contracts.

Current actions

  • Improve procurement processes that encourage and enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses to tender
  • Increase engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses to build capability to deliver government contracts

Future interactions

  • Increase procurement spend and the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses engaged by Transport and Main Roads
  • Improve relationships between Transport and Main Roads procurement community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses

Customer Facing and Community

The purpose of the Customer Facing and Community Indigenous Champion Group is to ensure Transport and Main Roads services are delivered appropriately and in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, where relevant.

The group seeks to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are considered in the design, delivery and evaluation of public facing programs and services.

Current actions

  • Promote and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, to create culturally welcoming and inclusive workplaces and services across Transport and Main Roads
  • Deliver services in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Future intentions

  • Embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in customer and community services through co-design and engagement
  • Update relevant policies to include better representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures

Governance and Reporting

The purpose of the Governance and Reporting Indigenous Champion Group is to provide a cohesive framework for the implementation of and reporting on the Indigenous Strategy Roadmap which aims to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives across Transport and Main Roads' policies and procedures.

The group seeks to understand Transport and Main Roads' reporting requirements from across government and identify opportunities to ensure quality data and considered insights are being effectively reported on.

Current actions

  • Cleanse data and streamline reporting processes to improve Transport and Main Roads' reporting against whole-of-government targets
  • Create agile governance frameworks that work to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander considerations in Transport and Main Roads' core business

Future intentions

  • Create frameworks to capture learnings that can be shared across the state
  • Consider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander data sovereignty impacts in reporting requirements and narratives
  • A reporting system that complements the work programs of Transport and Main Roads to provide near real-time intel on performance across the business

Structural Reform

The purpose of the Structural Reform Indigenous Champion Group is to embed a culture of commitment and shared responsibility for reframing the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the Queensland Government.

The group seeks to deliver an agile strategy where innovation, learning and reform is encouraged and where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are incorporated into Transport and Main Roads' strategic direction, policies, practices and plans.

Current actions

  • Promote structural reform to improve inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in Transport and Main Roads' core business practices, policies and procedures
  • Prepare the department for truth telling and healing

Future intentions

  • Embed a culture of continuous improvement when driving positive outcomes with First Nations customers and employees
  • First Nations cultures and perspectives are embedded into business-as-usual practices across all of Transport and Main Roads


Transport and Main Roads is committed to a new way of working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples that travels together in a spirit of continuous improvement.

This Indigenous Strategy Roadmap seeks to stitch together the positive outcomes the department has already achieved and build on our mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, businesses, and communities to create even greater outcomes.

An accompanying Action Plan will be co-developed with internal First Nations employees and other subject matter experts, applying the Roadmap as a framework. The actions and targets outlined will be achievable and realistic, and successful implementation will see Transport and Main Roads leverage opportunities to recognise the past, respect one another, and reframe our relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Queensland.

As public servants we are navigating unchartered waters and seeking a clear passage for all of our workforce to sail together towards a brighter future for all Queenslanders.

Hand in hand, we will continue forward together.

Download the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ Indigenous Strategy Roadmap 2023–2025

Last updated 12 January 2024