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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Apply to be an approved examiner

Approved examiners are responsible for conducting thorough inspections of vehicles to ensure they are free of defects and safe to use on a road. If you apply to be an approved examiner, we'll assess your qualifications, industry experience and suitability to be an approved examiner.

Before making an application

Before making an application for an approved examiner application:

  • read Approved examiner qualification and experience requirements and consider:
    • your formal trade qualifications
    • your migration skills assessment outcome letter (if applicable)
    • your relevant industry work experience within Australia (if applicable)
    • the vehicle inspection types you seek approval to inspect.

Which inspection manual you will require will depend on the vehicle inspection types you are applying for. 

Applying to be an approved examiner

The following table lists the vehicle inspection types that you may apply for and the relevant vehicle inspection manual.

Queensland Light Vehicle Inspection Manual (QLVIM)
Used only in Queensland for vehicles not more the 4.5t

Vehicle Type Vehicle Description Inspection Type Inspection Purpose
Light Vehicle (LV) A motor vehicle that has a gross vehicle mass (GVM) not exceeding 4.5 tonnes.
Includes 3-wheel vehicles with car-style seating for the driver.
Does not include motorbikes or trikes with motorbike-style straddle seating.
Light Vehicle (LV) – to issue a Safety Certificate Safety Certificates are issued for a single registration transaction and typically have a two-month or 2,000km duration. (Three months or 1,000km for dealers.)
COI Light Vehicle (CL) – to issue a Certificate of Inspection (COI) COIs are issued to light vehicles that have accreditation for public passenger transport services and for licenced tow trucks. COIs remain current for 12 months and can be used for multiple registration transactions.>
Motorbikes and trikes (LG) A moped or motorbike (whether or not a side car is attached) or motortrike with motorbike-style straddle seating.
Does not include a three-wheel vehicle with car style seating for the driver.
Motorcycle (MC) – to issue a Safety Certificate Safety Certificates are issued for a single registration transaction and typically have a two-month or 2,000km duration. (Three months or 1,000km for dealers.)
COI Motorcycle (CM) – to issue a Certificate of Inspection (COI) COIs are issued to motorbikes or trikes that have accreditation for public passenger transport services.
COIs remain current for 12 months and can be used for multiple registration transactions.
Trailer (T) A trailer with a gross trailer mass (GTM) not exceeding 4.5 tonnes. When GTM is not available, aggregate trailer mass (ATM) is to be used Light Trailer (LT) – to issue a Safety Certificate Safety Certificates are issued for a single registration transaction and typically have a two-month duration. (Three months for dealers.)

National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Manual (NHVIM)
Used nationally (except WA and NT) for all heavy vehicles more the 4.5t

Vehicle Type Vehicle Description Inspection Type Inspection Purpose
Heavy Vehicle A motor vehicle with a GVM exceeding 4.5 tonne. Heavy Vehicle (HV) – Certificate of Inspection (COI) COIs are required by all heavy vehicles, unless exempt. COIs remain current for 12 months and can be used for multiple registration transactions.

Approved examiners can inspect:
  • Unregistered vehicles over 4.5t GVM, and
  • Registered vehicles over 4.5t GVM up to and including 16t GVM.
Queensland registration status can be verified on the 'Check Rego' service.
Heavy Trailer A trailer with a GTM exceeding 4.5 tonne. When GTM is not available, ATM is to be used. Heavy Trailer (HT) - Certificate of Inspection (COI) COIs are required by all heavy trailers, unless exempt. COIs remain current for 12 months and can be used for multiple registration transactions.

Approved examiners can inspect:
  • Unregistered trailers over 4.5t GTM
  • Registered trailers over 4.5t GTM up to and including 10t GTM.
Queensland registration status can be verified on the 'Check Rego' service.

To apply for accreditation as an approved examiner:

Supporting documents

In addition to the above, you must provide the following supporting documents with your application.

  • Copies of your qualification/s.
  • Copies of your completion certificate for the AIS core module and inspection modules for the vehicle inspection types you are applying for.
  • Proof of 12 months continuous industry work experience within Australia. Your industry experience must be obtained after completing your trade qualification and be relevant to repairing and maintaining the vehicles of the inspection type/s you are applying for. Refer to Approved examiner qualification and experience requirements.

What happens after I apply?

Once we receive your application, we will assess your experience, qualifications as well as your suitability to be an approved examiner.

We will obtain a criminal history report, including a New Zealand criminal history report (if required).

We do not accept criminal history reports issued directly to you by QPS (or any third party). 

We will also look at your accreditation history if you have been accredited before.

Assessing your criminal and accreditation history

If you have a criminal or accreditation history, we will consider:

  • how the offence/s is/are relevant to the role you have applied for
  • how long ago the offence/s was/were committed 
  • any penalty imposed
  • is there a pattern of offending.

If you have a criminal or accreditation history that we believe makes you unsuitable to be an approved person, your application will be refused.

Charged but not yet convicted

We may refuse your application on the basis that you have been charged with (but not yet convicted of) a disqualifying offence. A disqualifying offence is an offence under the Criminal Code Act 1899.

Being charged with an offence does not mean your application will be refused. 

We may ask for more details of the charge(s) and consider the relevance to the role of an approved examiner before making a decision. 

Consideration of other factors

We will consider any relevant information you may want to provide. 

This might include:

  • circumstances that explain your criminal or accreditation offence history
  • impact on the availability of services provided under the scheme that may result from the refusal of the application
  • your qualification and work history, and 
  • any other material, for example, personal references provided where the person is aware of your application and your criminal or accreditation offence history.

Note that your personal circumstance will not outweigh our consideration for public safety, even if refusing your application would cause financial hardship.

Approving your application

If you application is approved, an accreditation document will be issued. This will show when your accreditation expires and if any conditions apply. 

Application refused

If you application is refused, we will send you a notice which details:

  • the decision
  • the legislation that applies in making the decision
  • the facts relied on in making the decision including any offences considered
  • any evidence or other material considered in reaching the decision
  • the reasons for the decision, and 
  • your rights for a review of and/or appeal against the decision. 

Contact us

Email: [email protected] 
Phone: 13 23 80 (ask for AIS Administrator)
Post: AIS Administrator
Approved Inspection Station Scheme
Department of Transport and Main Roads
PO Box 673

Last updated 24 October 2024