Gold Coast Heavy Rail Extension – Varsity Lakes to Gold Coast Airport

We are continuing to protect and plan for the Gold Coast heavy rail corridor between Varsity Lakes and Gold Coast Airport.

The Gold Coast heavy rail corridor remains part of our long-term vision and strategy for delivering an integrated, accessible and connected public transport network in South East Queensland (SEQ).

A future heavy rail extension is driven by the need to cater for growing urban communities in the southern Gold Coast and to provide connectivity to Gold Coast Airport. Heavy rail is well suited for longer distance regional trips such as those between the Gold Coast, Logan and Brisbane.

We will continue to plan for this future connection, ensuring the heavy rail corridor between Varsity Lakes and Gold Coast Airport is compatible and complementary to the SEQ rail network, meets modern rail design requirements and integrates with other developments and infrastructure within the southern Gold Coast. This includes the Pacific Motorway upgrade (Varsity Lakes to Tugun) and Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 4 project.


  • Improves network efficiency
  • Reduces peak hour congestion
  • Increases capacity
  • Improves safety
  • Contributes to regional growth
  • Better active transport

Key features

Planning for the future connection includes:
4 new proposed stations at Tallebudgera, Elanora, Tugun and Gold Coast Airport
Park 'n' Rides and associated facilities 
 active transport provisions along the corridor
 rail maintenance access roads and train stabling facilities. 

Current status

We will continue to protect and review the preserved rail corridor to ensure it remains suitable for the delivery of heavy rail infrastructure and services, and that land use is compatible with a future high-quality public transport connection. This includes ensuring the future light rail and future heavy rail connection are successfully integrated with the Gold Coast Airport precinct.


In 2005, a proposed corridor to extend heavy rail south of Robina to Tugun was identified. Following community consultation, a preferred corridor between Robina and Tugun was preserved in 2008.

The Gold Coast Heavy Rail Extension – Varsity Lakes to Gold Coast Airport corridor extends from the existing terminus station at Varsity Lakes through to the New South Wales border. Beyond this point, an alignment has also been identified to provide access into the Gold Coast Airport terminal precinct. 

The ShapingSEQ: South East Queensland Regional Plan 2023 and SEQ Rail Connect confirm the Varsity Lakes to Gold Coast extension as part of long-term planning.

Planning location map

The Gold Coast Heavy Rail Extension Varsity Lakes to Gold Coast Airport corridor including the 2008 preserved alignment to the Queensland/New South Wales border.
Map showing the Gold Coast Heavy Rail Extension Varsity Lakes to Gold Coast Airport corridor including the 2008 preserved alignment to the Queensland/New South Wales border.