Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 4, Burleigh Heads to Coolangatta, planning

The proposed Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 4 is a world class public transport system for residents and visitors to the Gold Coast.

The Gold Coast Light Rail system is being delivered in stages to manage the demands of a growing population and reduce traffic congestion, especially in the southern areas of the Gold Coast. The planned Stage 4 extension will extend the current light rail service by 13 kilometres. This will create a direct route from Burleigh Heads to Coolangatta and include a stop at the Gold Coast Airport.

Stage 4 will service important cultural and urban attractions including the Burleigh Head National Park, Palm Beach Village Centre, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast Airport and Coolangatta shopping and business precinct.

Planning for the future of the transport network is critical to achieving local, state and federal planning targets as set out in:


  • Improves network efficiency
  • Contributes to economy
  • Contributes to regional growth
  • Better active transport
  • Reduces peak hour congestion
  • Reduces travel time
  • Accessibility

Key features

  • 13km extension from Burleigh Heads to Coolangatta via the Gold Coast Airport.
  • 14 stations.
  • A new stabling facility and satellite depot.
  • 8 new trams compatible with current operations.
  • 2 northbound and 2 southbound traffic lanes on the Gold Coast Highway will be maintained.
  • Right-of-way for the light rail vehicles along the full corridor with new bridges over Tallebudgera Creek and Currumbin Creek.
  • Improved connectivity to the M1.
  • Improved active transport - bicycle and pedestrian - facilities including dedicated bridges, a potential beachfront oceanway path, and enhancements to road and intersections for safety and efficiency.
  • The project aims to preserve and improve access to the Burleigh Head National Park and enhance ecological corridors by providing wildlife connections.
  • Redesigned bus network to improve connectivity and accessibility to the light rail.


The project is jointly funded by the Queensland Government and Gold Coast City Council. The Queensland Government and Gold Coast City Council are undertaking planning activities together and procuring individual contracts within this joint funding.

Investment ID: 1748742

Total investment
$30 million
Queensland Government
$15 million
Local government
$15 million

Current status

Work on the detailed business case has commenced and is expected to be completed in late 2025.

The preliminary business case for Light Rail Stage 4 has been completed and the cost estimate for Light Rail is $4.467 billion. To note, this is a strategic cost estimate only at the early planning stage. The cost range for delivery of the project is estimated between $3.13 billion and $7.60 billion allowing for unknown risks which will be further clarified and updated in the detailed business case.

View the summary report – Burleigh Heads to Coolangatta Public Transport Project, Preliminary Evaluation. For alternative accessible formats, email [email protected].

Burleigh Heads to Tugun

The department has approved corridor planning for the upgrade of the Gold Coast Highway through Palm Beach. Since 2003, we have been protecting the corridor against encroachment of development by conditioning building setbacks to allow for a future upgrade. Much of the corridor is protected under this scheme.

The Gold Coast Highway (Burleigh Heads to Tugun) Multi-modal Corridor Study investigated whether existing planning will be adequate to accommodate the objectives of Shaping SEQ and the Gold Coast City Transport Strategy 2031, while balancing other considerations including current and future transport demands and the benefits and capacity gained from the M1 (Varsity Lakes to Tugun) upgrade.

For more information, download and read the:

Community consultation on the findings from the study was undertaken in March/April 2020. Read the Multi-modal Corridor Study community consultation summary for more information.

Tugun to Coolangatta

The Gold Coast Highway (Tugun to Coolangatta) Multi-modal Corridor Study was completed in June 2022. The study builds on the work completed for the Burleigh Heads to Tugun section and considered all transport modes to determine the preferred function for the next 20 years.

The study investigated alternative routes, finding the preferred route for a light rail extension to the Gold Coast Airport is along the eastern side of the Gold Coast Highway. The preferred route into Coolangatta is via Coolangatta Road and the Lanham Street Park to a station on Chalk Street. This is the most direct and efficient route.

View the Gold Coast Highway (Tugun to Coolangatta) Multi-modal Corridor Study publication set.


Community engagement on Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 4 took place in alignment with the progress of the corridor studies.

Burleigh Heads to Tugun section

Community consultation on the Burleigh Heads to Tugun section was carried out from 12 July to 17 September 2021. 

Download the BH2T Community Consultation Report December 2021 to find out more. 

For more information regarding the Burleigh Heads to Tugun section of the project, please download the: 

Or you can watch our flythrough video – Burleigh Heads to Tugun

Tugun to Coolangatta section

Community consultation on the Tugun to Coolangatta (via the airport) section was carried out from 31 October to 25 November 2022.

For more information regarding the Tugun to Coolangatta section of the project, please download the:

Or you can watch our flythrough video – Tugun to Coolangatta

Concept designs, artist's impressions and the flythrough video were created for past consultation. These will be updated during the detailed planning stage before future consultation.

Image gallery of the project artist's impressions

To view a larger version, please click on the image.

Artist impression of Terminal Drive
Terminal Drive, Bilinga
Artist impression of tram alongside bicycle and walkway paths.
Lanham Street Park, Coolangatta
Cars traveling on the highway, light rail station on the right.
George Street, Bilinga
Aerial view of the Miles Street intersection and the Miles Street light rail station.
Miles Street, Coolangatta
Artist impression of the Jellurgal station
Jellurgal station, Burleigh Heads
Overpass for the tram line over large body of water at Currumbin Creek
Light rail bridge, Currumbin Creek
Artist impression of the Gold Coast Highway Musgrave Street intersection, Bilinga
Gold Coast Highway Musgrave Street intersection, Bilinga
Artist impression of the intersection at Chalk street, Coolangatta
Chalk Street, Coolangatta
Light rail station at George Street, Bilinga.
George Street, Bilinga
Aerial view of the Boyd Street intersection, Tugun.
Boyd Street, Coolangatta
Overview of train line
Aerial view of tram line
Tomewin Street, Tugun
Tomewin Street, Tugun
Artist impression of Musgrave Street, Coolangatta
Musgrave Street, Coolangatta 
Artist impression of Chalk Street, Coolangatta
Chalk Street, Coolangatta
Light rail station at Miles Street, Coolangatta.
Miles Street, Coolangatta
Tram at the Boyd Street light rail station.
Boyd Street, Coolangatta
Thrower Drive section of the tram line
Thrower Drive section of the tram line
Tugun shopping precinct, Tugun
Tugun shopping precinct, Tugun