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Department of Transport and Main Roads

About the Approved Person Scheme

Complex modifications such as engine upgrades, gearbox and rear axle changes, vehicle body modifications and steering and brake replacements are significant modifications to a vehicle that can seriously affect the safety of a vehicle if not performed properly. Complex modifications to vehicles must be inspected and certified by approved persons, ensuring the modifications have been performed in accordance with the Queensland Road Vehicle Modification Handbook.

Queensland Road Vehicle Modification Handbook

The Queensland Road Vehicle Modification Handbook (QRVM Handbook) sets out the approved modification and certification codes that are the minimum standards for vehicle modifications. These codes are based on the Australian Design Rules (ADRs) and acceptable engineering practices for Queensland.

The QRVM Handbook applies to in-service light and heavy vehicles. Approved modification and certification codes are listed within their respective approved code of practice.

The QRVM Handbook also provides additional information and guidance for vehicle modifiers, certifiers and owners on vehicle modifications and certifications to ensure compliance with the regulations and vehicle standards.

Certifying vehicle inspections

An approved person inspects the modified vehicle under the QRVM Handbook, to determine whether the vehicle complies and does not present an increased risk to road safety. If the vehicle complies, an approved person can certify the modification and issue a certificate of modification.

An approved person can only inspect and certify vehicle modifications within their range of qualifications, training and experience. Applicants are assessed based on their industry experience and qualifications to determine whether they are eligible for modification codes under the QRVM Handbook. Learn more about vehicle modifications.

Find your nearest approved person online or contact us by phone on 13 23 80.

Business rules for approved persons (vehicle modifications)

The Business rules for approved persons (vehicle modifications) (the business rules) provide the administrative requirements that must be followed by an approved person for inspection and certification of light and heavy vehicle modifications. An approved person must comply with these requirements as a condition of their approved person accreditation.

The business rules and QRVM Handbook are to be read with the following relevant legislation.

Applying to be an approved person

Read more about how to apply if you would like to become an approved person.

Finding an approved person

You can search for an approved person based on suburb or town, modification code, region or name.

Last updated 10 September 2024