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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Renewing your approved person accreditation

Your approved person accreditation is granted for 3 years. To continue your accreditation, you will need to apply for a renewal of your approved person accreditation.

You will be sent an application for renewal before your accreditation expires. It is important your current email and postal address details are recorded with the Approved Person Scheme Administrator. Find out more about how to change your approved person accreditation details.

Failing to renew your approved person accreditation

If you fail to renew your approved person accreditation, your accreditation will expire and you will no longer be accredited as an approved person. You cannot approve vehicle modifications until your approved person renewal application is approved and you have received your approved person accreditation.

Failing to receive your renewal application is not an excuse for failing to make an approved person renewal application. It remains your responsibility to ensure your approved person renewal application is made prior to the expiry of your approved person accreditation.

Lapsed approved person accreditation

If your approved person accreditation has expired for 90 days or more, your accreditation will lapse. If your approved person accreditation lapses, you will need to make a new approved person application, provide all relevant supporting information, and pay the relevant application fees.

You cannot approve vehicle modifications until you have received your approved person accreditation.

We recommend you renew your approved person accreditation before it lapses, to avoid completing a new approved person accreditation application again.

Making an application

To renew your approved person accreditation, you need to:

Your renewal is subject to a review of your approved person compliance history within the scheme—this includes any relevant infringement notices issued under Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 within the last 5 years. Find out more in our suitable persons policy.

Application and decision making process

You will be notified in writing of the outcome of your application. If we require further information to support your application, we will contact you by email or telephone. If your application is granted, we will provide you with an approved person accreditation document. If your application is refused, we will provide you with an information notice providing reasons why your application has been refused and your appeal options.

Last updated 13 July 2022