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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Accessibility and inclusion

Passengers using a Toowoomba bus service. The image is focussed on a business man in non-powered wheelchair.The Department of Transport and Main Roads is committed to becoming a world leader in the provision of accessible and inclusive transport and an accessible and inclusive employer of choice. 

Our Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy will support us in creating a single integrated network accessible to everyone. 

The strategy has been developed in consultation with our customers, employees and delivery partners to provide a roadmap for embedding inclusion and accessibility into transport services, products, information, infrastructure, workplaces and work practices.

This is an important initiative when you consider the statistics (as at July 2020):

  • almost 20% of Queenslanders have a disability
  • we have a geographically diverse state, with many living in remote parts of the state
  • people are living longer—at 65 years of age Australians can expect to live half of their remaining years with some level of disability
  • Queensland is home to people from more than 220 countries, 220 languages spoken, 100 religious beliefs
  • in 2018-19 international visitors to Queensland increased to 2.8 million and domestic visitors reached 25.3 million (a large percentage of domestic travel is undertaken by people with disabilities or impairments).

We are delivering on a number of initiatives to support the strategy. The strategy provides a roadmap and opportunity to consolidate and focus on the future.

Our Accessibility and Inclusion Plan 2023-2024 was developed to outline the practical actions the department will take over the next 2 years to deliver on our strategy.

Access the Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy in various formats as well as summary versions:

To request a copy of the strategy in another format, please email the TMR Accessible Transport Network team at [email protected].

Auslan and audio version (with captions)

Summary of the Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy 


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Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy


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Last updated 23 July 2024