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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Developing critical capabilities

Brazilian family on a train, wearing Queensland supporter gear

TMR will develop the critical capabilities needed to deliver accessible transport services, information, products and infrastructure


Inclusive and collaborative design

  • Comply with our obligations under disability and human rights legislation
  • Apply Universal Design principles and guidelines

Business practices

Inclusive business practices in the project lifecycle

  • Inclusive processes to develop and provide services and products
  • Co-design with customers and partners
  • Guidelines for partners
  • Embed inclusion in procurement principles
  • Accessibility and inclusion in recruitment, task management and employee evaluation
  • Design and enable accessibility and inclusion at all stages of the employee journey (for example employment entry points and career development)
  • Provide infrastructure to support our people in any location

Customer information and tools

Personalised data and information delivery, collection and analysis

  • Provide accessible ways for customers to access information and assistance
  • Use customer data and insights to understand customer experience and needs, and deliver dignified and supportive experiences
Reporting and data

Accessibility and inclusion measures, reporting and auditing

  • Clear accessibility and inclusion metrics 
  • Data management and reporting capability to evaluate progress
  • Build accessibility and inclusion measures into the project lifecycle 
  • Clearly define accessibility and inclusion metrics in key reporting products (for exmaple business plans, employee agreements)


Culture fostering accessibility and inclusion

  • Train our people to build their skills in meeting customer and employee accessibility and inclusion needs
  • Build confidence to engage customers and our people in co-design
  • Share information on what we are doing in accessibility and inclusion
  • Educate and build awareness of obligations under the law
  • Advocate across government, partners and community

Inclusive leadership

Leadership team with an inclusive mindset

  • Change led by leaders who drive the cultural shift towards accessibility and inclusion
  • Commit to accessibility and inclusion as an objective that aligns with personal value
  • Demonstrate open-mindedness towards different ideas

In this document

Last updated 16 July 2020