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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Research on electric bicycle charging at public transport stops and stations


Action 1.20: Undertake a feasibility study into providing charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and bicycles at public transport nodes.

Lead agency: Department of Transport and Main Roads

Status: Complete


Electric bicycles (e-Bikes) have the potential to reduce transport-related carbon emissions, pollution and noise, and improve air quality, make our cities nicer, more sustainable places to live, and make more active transport journeys possible, increasing the physical activity levels of Queenslanders and potentially reducing obesity.

One of the key barriers for increased uptake of electric vehicles is the anxiety caused by lack of a comprehensive open network of charging infrastructure. There was limited evidence on whether electric charging infrastructure would be a valuable government investment at public transport nodes.

We con­ducted a feasibility study to gain insight and understanding into whether investing in charging infrastructure at public transport nodes would encourage greater adoption of electric vehicles and bicycles, and increase public transport use in Queensland.

The study involved desktop research into best practice approaches and interviews with our staff and staff from Queensland Rail, local charging infrastructure suppliers and energy suppliers. It considered the impact and practicality of possible approaches and how such a scheme could work in terms of operations and cost.

The study found that providing charging facilities, in combination with other actions like e-Bike hire schemes, increased secure bicycle parking facilities and financial incentives and subsidies, could support increased uptake of e-Bikes and use of public transport.

Next steps

The feasibility study provided recommendations that the Queensland Government could consider, such as, undertaking further strategic planning to identify where charging infrastructure would be required, undertaking a small-scale trial of providing electric vehicle and bicycle charging infrastructure at train stations in Queensland and improving active travel connections to public transport hubs to encourage greater passenger transport use.

Last updated 25 August 2023